Call of Heaven:
Is a traditional Catholic resource for women seeking information about becoming a religious (sister or nun). Only the more conservative orders will be found here, mainly through the Council Of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR). If one is searching for a more liberal community of sisters, one should direct their search to the LCWR. As often as possible we will spotlight a new order belonging to the CMSWR complete with information on the order including contacts. It is also possible communities outside of the CMSWR will be discussed if they come to my attention.
This blog site is not affiliated with any religious community or the CMSWR, and is for informational purposes only.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Benedictine Abbey Of Regina Laudis (Bethlehem, Connecticut)


The nuns of the Abbey of Regina Laudis are a contemplative community of about 37 members. Founded in 1947 the abbey is based on the rule of St Benedict and is located in Bethlehem, Connecticut.


This is a contemplative community whose abbey rests on 400 lovely acres in west-central Connecticut. It is a lively and well organized community and functions somewhat like a little town (in a sense) with everything it needs to operate smoothly. It has it's own dairy and sheep herds which provides for the needs of the nuns, and to complete the 'little town' they also engage in the following:
Blacksmithing & metalworks
gardening and composting
making jams, jellies, herbal teas, wooden objects, stained glass ornaments,
making CD's of Gregorian Chant
Leather goods, etc...



This is the community of Dolores Hart- the former movie actress who was at the top of her profession when she shocked Hollywood by becoming a Benedictine nun at the age of 24. One of her first roles was opposite Elvis in the 1950's but, like she wrote in one of her published books- "God Is the Bigger Elvis". Yes she's still at the Abbey and is known as Mother Dolores.

                                                               Mother Dolores Hart

Another interesting member of this community is Mother Noella Marcellino who was the subject of a PBS documentary and known- although she hated the name- as 'The Cheese Nun'. She is a cheese expert and has a PhD in Microbiology.

The members of this community:
Pray the Hours
Observe periods of silence
Are assigned work within the abbey or abbey grounds
Sing Gregorian Chant, etc...

One should contact the Abbey for more information which is provided below. Or go to their website online here:

Bennedictine Abbey of Regina Laudis
273 Flanders Rd.
Bethlehem, Connecticut 06751                      Tel: 203-266-7727

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