Call of Heaven:
Is a traditional Catholic resource for women seeking information about becoming a religious (sister or nun). Only the more conservative orders will be found here, mainly through the Council Of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR). If one is searching for a more liberal community of sisters, one should direct their search to the LCWR. As often as possible we will spotlight a new order belonging to the CMSWR complete with information on the order including contacts. It is also possible communities outside of the CMSWR will be discussed if they come to my attention.
This blog site is not affiliated with any religious community or the CMSWR, and is for informational purposes only.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Disciples Of the Lord Jesus Christ (Prayer Town, Texas)


The Disciples Of the Lord Jesus Christ is a Franciscan charismatic community of 30+ nuns from Prayer Town, Texas (about 45 miles NW of Amarillo). They are considered an active-contemplative community. A key word here is 'charismatic' which means they practice the gifts from the Holy Spirit. There are very few charismatic groups of nuns, so I had to include this one because in all respects they are a traditional community who wear full habits, pray the hours, and follow the 3rd Order Franciscan rule. Their daily schedule is as follows:
5:30am   Rise
6:00am   Morning Prayer (sung)
6:30am   Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
7:15am   One hour of Private Prayer
8:15am   Breakfast In Silence
9:00am   Morning Work Areas
12:00pm Angelus and Midday Prayer (sung)
12:15pm Lunch In Silence
1:00pm   Prayer (Exposition Of the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel)
2:00pm  Afternoon Work Areas
4:30pm   Evening Prayer (sung) with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
5:30pm   Dinner with Table Reading or Reflection
Free Time
8:15pm   Night Prayer (sung) Followed by Grand Silence
10:00pm  Lights Out


Ages 18 to 40
High School Diploma
Fidelity to the Holy Father and the Catholic Church
Openness to the Gifts Of the Holy Spirit
Sound physical, mental, and emotional health
For more information of the sisters activities and mission go to their website:


                                                     Four of the novices in white veils

Sister Christine Marie DLJC
Vocation Directress
P O Box 64                                                              
Prayer Town, TX. 79010-0064                                                         Tel:  806-567-3048


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